Monday, October 20, 2014

Adding in Queues

1. Of the following characteristics of peak performers, which do you already possess and which do you need to enhance in yourself?

I believe I have a lot of confidence in myself as a performer. I also believe I do pretty well with concentration/attention. My professor will sometimes shout and do pretty distracting things while I play and I do pretty well of staying focused. I am decent at positivity. I sometimes get to hard on myself for messing up. If I hear improvement I don't feel so bad.  Mental toughness seems to be an overall term and encompasses many terms. I would say I could use to work more on mental toughness. I need to be a little more self-motivated by going and practicing much more consistently. This year I have had a hard time finding time for the practice room. but a mentally tough performer has a strong belief in self. I think I do have belief in myself. To go along with that I generally have confidence in myself, but sometimes I will think negative thoughts as I play, but I know I can always fix it and play it better again. For this I need to work on positive self-talk.

2. I had a jury that I thought went pretty unlike how I wanted and I just bashed myself the entire time. I felt unprepared. I guess I would say to my inner judges is that it's just one performance and that doesn't define me. I would say I didn't get to rehearse with my pianist enough, so they don't understand how difficult it is.

Continuing the with my mindmap for my piece I am supposed to identify some cues in the music.  So in the beginning there is a big tremolo from the orchestra as I do my opening. Later after I finish the opening the orchestra plays an intense section introducing the next section. There are many cymbal crashes and 6 descending chords played before I come in with the new time. Then the orchestra repeats what I just played. Then the orchestra slows down, there is a slow part for the clarinet and it introduced the new melody I will play. The clarinet has this run and then I come in. This section I think of a man who is seeing his lover for the first time in a long long time. The main theme from the fast section travels from the clarinet to the flute, then to the oboe and then I play the next connecting section. Next it was just clarinet to flute. Then you hear the horns do a section and then I come in. There are often cymbal crashes in the sections I do not play.
Then after a long of building and tension, the orchestra slows down. Then you here this syncopated rhythm four times and then I come in. Then the violins repeat this phrase and then suspend a note and I come in again with triplets.
Then theme enters again where it sounds like our man is being chased. Then the low brass coming in a descend with the same 6 chords and the original theme reenters. Then I have a different key of the double section. He sounds like he is being chases again. and the orchestra stops with two chords one after another. Then the cadenza comes in. And I am anticipating on not doing the cadenza for the recital.

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